Happy Halloween, and end of the £100 challenge!

I made it in under £100. Hoorah, and so forth.

Although I bought two bags of Starburst sweets earlier in the month in preparation for Halloween, I do like to give trick or treaters a choice, so just popped to the market earlier today to get some clementines (or possibly they are something else. Small orangey-type things, anyway). The best deal I found was twenty small fruits for a pound, which I got, brought home and put in a nice trashy plastic purple bowl. That brings my final total for the month to £89.02.

I suppose a brief round-up is in order. My cupboards are looking a bit barer than they did at the start of the month, but truthfully it hasn’t been that hard so far. Several people have done much more severe/interesting challenges and written them up, a notable example being Kath Kelly’s How I lived a year on just a pound a day. I’m not ready for a challenge that long and difficult, but I will take on another challenge next month to try to complete the cupboard clear-out that has begun. Call it an Autumn Clean!

Sorry if this has been a bit of a boring read. If I were writing this blog in order to get lots of hits and score a book deal I’d try to have some exciting no-money adventures, maybe crashing some weddings or trying to fare-dodge to interesting places, however the main reason I’ve been keeping track on here is because it keeps me accountable. I’ve found it much easier to resist the temptation of buying things I don’t really need if I know I’d have to write it down for the world to see, so thank you to everyone who has read, liked and commented so far, and I hope you will join me for the November Ninety challenge!

Happy Halloween from me and the small orangey-type things!

5 Comments on “Happy Halloween, and end of the £100 challenge!”

  1. Liz Lowe says:

    Not boring at all, Emily! I’ve really enjoyed reading it! Looking forward to reading about the next challenge 🙂


  2. Congratulations on making it! I’m definitely interesting in reading more 🙂


  3. Congratulations! I’m definitely signed up for more reading. I’ve even taken inspiration from your challenge to have a go myself, if you don’t mind 🙂 I look forward to reading your posts throughout November.


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